Managed Infrastructure
DyCom is a leading hosting and managed services provider offering enterprise level solutions to businesses of all sizes. Our servers are owned, maintained, and managed in a secure, Tier 3 data center that provides 24X7 network monitoring and maintenance from a fully-staffed Network Operations Center (NOC).
The data center achieved SAS 70 Type II compliance (Statement on Auditing Standards No.70), reflecting a consistent, reliable and secure operating environment to support customers worldwide.
Redundant 4000 AMP, 480-volt electrical feeds power to the data center. This system provides automatic switching between two independent transformers.
Besides a total of one megawatt of redundant UPS power, the facility houses a fully redundant 2,400 AMP, 48V, positive ground DC Telco power plant and distribution system. This system currently powers all fiber providers as well as carriers in the facility.
A fully redundant one megawatt paralyzing UPS system, redundant Master and Emergency System Busses (MSB/ESB) and a 2 Megawatt Diesel Generator system with 3500 gallons of fuel, provides backup power for the facility. UPS power is fed into redundant Power Distribution Units and from there into Remote Power Panels (RPP). Each RPP is monitored to the circuit breaker level to ensure early warning overload protection. Redundant Powerware 500KW UPS System, dual 4-megawatt feeds and transfer switches are included.
The data center is currently home to multiple IP carriers including AT&T, Cogent, Cox, Level 3, MCI/Verizon, Telepacific, Time Warner and XO. The data center is a carrier neutral facility so servers housed in the facility have access to all carriers.
It provides the highest quality and speed of bandwidth for our servers running at 100MBPS with the ability to bursts to 1000MBPS using Multiple Redundant OC3s on multiple carriers with private fiber backhaul to major Internet access points.
The data center is a Telco and Optically Neutral facility fed by two separate fiber vaults. All fiber enters the facility via two divergent routes into a secure fiber pop. The seven fiber providers give the redundancy and bandwidth needed for any application.
On-site security is provided with a combination of biometric hand scanners, electronic card control systems, hi-resolution motion sensitive digital video surveillance systems, and on-site personnel.
Access to facility is granted only after positive identification (both manual and biometric) has been established. Movement throughout the facility is further monitored by usage of electronic card keys. The entire facility is alarmed and monitored with video cameras and off-site alarm monitoring services.